Perspectivas en la didáctica de las matemáticas
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The Mathematics Education emphasis of the Interinstitutional Doctorate in Education of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Universidad del Valle and Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, presents this work to the community of professors and researchers as a contribution to the discussion of the developments in this intellectual field.
The work compiles research results of the groups registered at the Universidad Distrital. In addition, four guest researchers collaborated in this publication: Carmen Batanero, PhD in Mathematics and professor of statistics and didactics at the University of Granada (Spain); Vicenç Font, PhD in Didactics of Mathematics and professor at the University of Barcelona; Carlos Álvarez, PhD in Mathematics, specialist in History of Mathematics and professor at the Universidad Autónoma de México; and Anna Athanasopoulou, PhD in Mathematics Education and professor of mathematics at North Carolina.
The book has two characteristics: it presents the results of research carried out within the framework of the aforementioned groups. At the same time, the set of compiled articles forms a scenario in which different perspectives in the research of mathematics didactics converge.
The work is structured in two parts: the first is dedicated to present General elements of the didactics of mathematics through three articles that, in our opinion, open the panorama of epistemological, pedagogical and linguistic elements that can contribute to the understanding of mathematics education in general.
The second one is entitled Specific elements in the didactics of mathematics: experiences for the classroom. Under this theme, three articles are compiled that we consider, contribute particular experiences with methodologies, tools or proposals to work in class.
Thus, we offer this set of articles for the consideration of the community as a space for academic dialogue on the problems of the didactics of mathematics.