Procesos Urbanos y Catastrales Necesarios para el Sistema de Desarrollo de la Planta Física Denominado "Consolidación de Sedes Existentes" del Plan Maestro de Desarrollo Físico de la Universidad Distrital Utilizando Instrumentos de Planeamiento Establecidos en el POT
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Below are presented very widely implicit main aspects in the development of the project " PROCESSES URBAN AND CADASTRAL NEEDED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM OF THE PHYSICAL PLANT CALLED "CONSOLIDATION OF EXISTING HEADQUARTERS", OF THE MASTER PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, OF THE DISTRICT UNIVERSITY, USING PLANNING INSTRUMENTS ESTABLISHED IN THE LAND USE PLAN". The university seeks to strengthen the existing physical plant and wants to locate new facilities in main nodes, where there is greater demand for education and where urban dynamics permits, students performed the capture of information for areas of influence and urban diagnosis as input for the formulation of the respective management tools for the expansion and construction of the Technology and Calle 40, under the System Development "Consolidation of Existing Venues" Master Physical Development Plan of the University District.
The internship is successfully completed, due to the work and effort by students and multidisciplinary group of the Office of Planning and Control, consisting of cadastral engineers, architects and economists, who conducted monitoring all processes. Activities in the internship were:
- Information Collection
- Regulatory Analysis
- Delimitation area of influence
- Identification of variables: creating formats
- Collecting information urban study
- Verification of cartography
- Storage information in tables
- Storing Pictures
- Editing base map
- Creating and structuring mapping
- Preparation of cartographic products
- Analysis of collected data and final report