Análisis del Riesgo Ergonómico para los Trabajadores en la Constructora Cristóbal Daza S.A.S
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For the purposes of this work an ergonomic analysis was carried out for the workers of Constructora Obras Civiles Cristóbal Daza SAS, in order to identify the specific ergonomic risks, which may be the cause of the development of musculoskeletal injuries and thus perform timely monitoring of the health status of operators, in order to provide recommendations that allow the company to avoid future cases of occupational disease that generate loss of health and well-being for workers and in turn represent cost overruns and loss of productivity in the company . Through the analysis of the process, the risk factors associated to the musculoskeletal disorders present in the working conditions were identified, in this way the ergonomic risks that can generate injuries and / or occupational diseases to the workers were exposed, through the analysis ergonomic which detected the most frequent causes of musculoskeletal disorders by overload, repetitiveness and inadequate postures given by the handling and loading of construction materials that can generate days of disability and even temporary or permanent disability to workers, situation that can raise expenses for the company. If the worker is informed in time how to prevent these efforts, the worker may seek to eliminate them and / or replace them with another method of manual, mechanical or electronic work that eliminates these excesses. In this sense one of the purposes of the ergonomic study is that managers detect in time the anomalies discussed above and apply the ergonomic techniques that provide the best performance and safety of the worker in his job, so that the increase can be avoided of expenses for non-attendance, medical treatments, recovery, fatigue, rehabilitation and disabilities.