Metodología de reporte de indicadores ICAU (Índice de Calidad Ambiental Urbana) para el cálculo del porcentaje de población urbana afectada por ruido (%PUAR)
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The objective of this work is to construct the Methodological Document for the Report of Urban Environmental Quality Indicators (ICAU), specifically the Percentage of Urban Population Affected by Noise (%PUAR), for the area of the city of Bogotá, by means of the methodology proposed by DANE in its Guide for the Elaboration of the Methodological Document of Statistical Operations for the Presentation of Statistical Processes, with the purpose of defining a reference for the %PUAR Report in terms of the basic items that the document must have, such as the collection and processing of the data of the statistical operation, as well as the parameters for the delivery of the results of the same in terms of formats and delivery of cartographic bases. In order to understand the process that allows the calculation of the %PUAR indicator, some basic data must be known, among which are those collected by the different monitoring stations in charge of the Environmental Noise Monitoring Network of Bogota (RMRAB), which are distributed throughout the city providing information on the noise levels to which citizens are exposed 24 hours a day, ensuring its operation through daily visits to the stations to report and resolve any problems that may arise and intervene with the proper functioning of the same. Also required is base information on the city's cartography, topography, vehicular gauging, meteorology, population density, aeronautical noise maps and land use, which are obtained from public entities. Each of the aforementioned inputs are vital for the construction of the Strategic Noise Maps (SRM), which result from the interpolation of cartographic information and are used as input for the calculation of the %PUAR. With the information provided by the MERs, the Day-Night Sound Pressure Level (LDN) indicator can be calculated, starting from the LDN > 65 dB, which is the permissible limit level established by the World Health Organization, the Urban Population Affected by Noise is obtained, which is the product between the area (〖km〗^2) in the areas where the limit allowed by the WHO is exceeded and the population density factor (Inhab/〖km〗^2). By means of the ratio of PUAR and the Total Urban Population (PUT), the %PUAR is calculated. This indicator intervenes in the decisions and formulation of projects in the Capital District because it is part of the Urban Environmental Quality Indexes (ICAU). This indicator must be reported to the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources every two years, allowing the ministry to know and contrast the behavior of environmental noise in the city and its impact on the ecosystemic and social well-being in Bogota; likewise, it is a tool for decision making to improve environmental quality in the capital district.