Estimación del detrimento patrimonial de zonas de cesión públicas generado por el uso y goce de propiedad privada en la localidad de Chapinero de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. Caso de estudio: UPZ Pardo Rubio, Parque Residencial Cramer 45 Carrera 5 No. 45 – 30
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Assignment public areas emerge from the land-use planning process and laws such as residential development, building, land plots, among others. These areas must be ceded to the District under the figure of free of charge, or they must be monetarily compensated towards the social enjoyment. Sometimes, these assignment public areas are not given to the District through a legal way when they are being unbanised. Even more, these areas might be used for private purposes after they were legally given because of a lack of rigorous inspection and control from the authorities. According to that, this dissertation researched one case study in Chapinero Locality, specifically at the UPZ 90 Pardo Rubio, in which the private land use is happening. This is important because the illegal use and utilisation of these assignment public areas might cause detriment of the district assets because of the compensation amount. This is seen in the commercial value when the land is being occupied for private purposes because the land taxes that should have been paid for these lands are lower than the District raised. These values ere deflated or indexed, according to each case to current prices (2020), considering that, as we are talking about monetary units, the purchase power is affected as time goes by.