Comunidad y construcción del estado - nación en Colombia en el siglo XX: una propuesta de enseñanza desde la literatura
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The following didactical proposal is the result of, in first place, of an idea than aims to simulate the teaching of social sciences using literatura as a resource, specifically, it is intended to work on this Project from the categories of community and construction of the Nation –State in Colombia in the twentieth century, supported in the book The Rebellion of the rats (La rebelión de las ratas) writen by Fernando Soto Aparicio. As will be explained later, the intention of this Project is that the aforementioned categories are not taught in insolation, but rather, related to a problema raised under a hypothesis that guides the development of planned sessions, which tries to be demonstrated from the proposed literary resource and the categories chosen as axes of work; this has a purpose that –as seen from the book The Rebellion of the Rats – the chosen categories are not taught in their simple notions and separately, but rather linked to a main question. The hypothesis basically states that the procesos of State – Nation construction in Colombia in the 20th century tries to make invisible collective action processes based on the notion of community, and that this can be worked in the classroom from the book “The rebellion of the rats”, written by Fernando Soto Aparicio. Being that way, two issues can be denoted: the first one is that the hypothesis involved a problema that links the categories to each other, this being the alleged invisibility by the State to certain organizational processes that are based on the notion of community; on the other hand, it is emphasized that this question can be worked on from the proposed literary resource. This allows that the work of the categories from the literary novel does not remain only in the simple enunciation of the same ones, because it is intended that the process can be seen in an even greater complexity; for this reason the didactic problem is chosen as part of the methodological approach. Fort he present document, in a first term a brief introduction and contextualization of the didactic proposal will be made while the rest will be divided by chapters. The first of them will provide account of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the Project, a second chapter will present the proposal as such, there will be shown the respective didactic unit that was proposed for the application. On the other hand, the third chapter will show the systematization of the implementation of the didactic unit, while the fourth one will refer to the analysis of these results. Finally, the monograph ends with the conclusions of the process and the successes and difficulies they had.