Apoyo a la contraloría de Bogotá en la auditoría de regularidad a la Secretaria de Hacienda Distrital vigencia 2017, con énfasis en el control fiscal interno Vig. 2012, plan de mejoramiento y evaluación de contratación tecnológica
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Support was provided to the Contraloria of Bogota, specifically to the Treasury Audit Office, in the determination of properties with inaccurate statements (lower value) of the Unified Land Tax - IPU in the 2012 period, within the Regularity Audit No. 64 that was made to the District Secretary of the Treasury - SDH, in compliance with the provisions of the District Audit Plan 2018. In addition, the hiring between the SDH and the Special Administrative Unit of the District Cadastre - UAECD was evaluated for the support Technological Data Capture in the Land of the ICA Taxpayer Business Registry, which is finally provided by the firm ESRI Colombia SAS In the same way, the contracting between the SDH and the Telecommunications Company of Bogotá - ETB was evaluated through an inter-administrative contract, for multi-channel and / or omnichannel services, which was finally executed by a private subcontractor (Americas BPS) for a lower value , evidencing the lack of planning and objective selection, in the preparation of previous studies. Finally, and within the evaluation of the Improvement Plan of the SDH, the procedure performed by the Bogota Tax Authority for the settlement, collection and collection of the IPU of the properties that comprise the El Dorado Airport was analyzed, since it is considered as a public good, however, some of these properties are exploited through OPAIN SA dealers and CODAD S.A., on whom finally the tax obligation rests.