Apoyo a la Secretaría Distrital de Integración Social, Subdirección de Plantas Físicas en la Gestión Predial que esta realiza al sistema de equipamientos (infraestructuras) de bienestar social de Bogotá D.C, para la promoción, prevención, rehabilitación y restablecimiento de los derechos de su comunidad
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The work done in the internship titled: Support to the Distrital Secretary for social Integration, Subdirection of Physical Basements, on the Predial Management Made to System of Social Welfare Equipments (infrastructures) of Bogotá d.c, for the promotion, prevention, rehabilitation,and restoration its community rights" consisted of supporting the Subdirection of Physical Basements, on the predial management labors made by this. That was made trough 4 differents assignments, the first one was predial valoration, the second was information migration, cartography production and finally the consultancy titled “evaluate and diagnose the properties managed by the entity and optimize the system of equipment (infrastructures) that provide the services, in response to the supply and demand of the target population located in the city of Bogota, D.C.” The first three assignments were developed on a simultaneous way, although because the products obtained there were used like supplies to be able the development of the last assignment. Due to the internship´s duration the fourth assignment only was developed to the previous studies and announcement stages.