Sistema de acceso para el parqueadero de la Facultad Tecnológica utilizando técnicas de visión artificial
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An artificial vision system was implemented to recognize the license plates of the members of the Technological Faculty who enter the parking lot, using a microprocessor (Raspberry Pi) and using Python as the programming language, applying the OpenCV and PyTesseract libraries used to design and develop the artificial vision algorithm; Then with Tkinter a graphical interface was designed that visualizes in real time the images captured by an algorithm and together with the MySQL database we can register, obtain and update the data of the users belonging to or linked to the public institution by the managers In addition, a website structured with Html language and designed with CSS was developed, using Django as a server and a means of communication between the database and the FrontEnd where the registry of users who are entering the installation can be observed, plus its different data or current state (inside / outside) reducing the time of entry of vehicles to the Faculty, improving the safety of both vehicles and their users.