Gestión del Alcance de un Proyecto como Factor Determinante de Éxito: Revisión y Análisis desde la Literatura Científica
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Project management is one of the disciplines most booming today worldwide, it has become a very important tool that helps all kinds of industry to achieve high levels of productivity as well as the clear definition of products or services, planned, executed and controlled input from all parties or stakeholders of the project, extending the scope not only to persons or areas involved within the organization but also to external parties (suppliers, customers, etc.) directly or indirectly affected by the success or failure of the project.
As this subject of such importance to all types of organization should pay close attention to each of the phases whose shaping any type of project, phases bone Start, planning, execution, control and closure. Specifically, this work will focus on the phases of planning and control, which are the phases in which the scientific literature found to set management scope is the thematic objective of this monograph (Mulcahy, 2010) (Project Management Institute, 2013) .
What is the management of project scope? Is the section of the project that includes the processes required to complete the project successfully using only the necessary to achieve this goal (Project Management Institute, 2013) work. Hence the importance of this subject, at any point of the project should lose the initially proposed scope or if necessary, and the same changes (in some cases it is necessary to ensure the viability of the project) must necessarily take control of changes and actions preventive do not affect as much as possible the length or cost of the project.
To adequately address the issue this way work was divided into 6 stages which are:
• Selection of information sources • Identify search parameters • Sort items found (according to set parameters) • Perform traceability of classification in time
These steps in turn were divided into ten chapters development which will be giving an approach to the issue specifically studied or investigated, justification why it is important to see this issue closely? What is the current state of research on this topic ?, a tour is conducted by the research background which countries are pioneers in scope management? What is the given approach to research ?, a tour is done by project management placing scope management in the research objectives, what it is the most researched sub process and why ?, in Chapter 8 is performed the classification of the articles studied by document type which is dominant? Why it is characterized ?, in Chapter 9 an approach to the year 2013 in project management is done Why this year more articles were written about scope management ?, finally in chapter 10 the conclusions are made and recommendations for future research believe relevant in this field or for the reader who is interested in the current state of the subject of study.