Determinación de la cobertura con mayor rentabilidad para un predio rural en el Municipio de Cota
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In order to propose the development and determination of the coverage with greater profitability for a rural property in the municipality of Cota, an investigation was made in the field oriented from the academic stomping on providing elements in the making of economic investment decisions capitalist clients, economic-capable owners or state agents, who intend to act on those rural sector properties in search of optimizing dividends; benefits that benefit stakeholders involved in the development of agricultural projects for global markets, namely the owner of the property, the capitalist, the finances of the municipality, the farmers. The valuation of investment opportunities in agricultural projects in line with good agricultural practices have a place in the context of the globalization of the economy, specifically in the implementation of Free Trade Agreements between Colombia and others states or communities of Nations, which allow the emergence of investment opportunities to which appraisers are called to intervene within the framework of the regulations and regulations of the housing market and the science of appraisals, facing the new paradigms where the professional is a qualified investment advisor, seeking not only to quantify a value of a property, but always seeking the best possible and sustainable development in a certain sector or site, which ultimately allows consolidate the highest and best use value of private property.