Diseño de una actividad tecnológica escolar en un contexto de huerta urbana para fortalecer la habilidad de resolución de problemas
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This work focuses on addressing problems of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to promote in students the ability to solve problems; From the SDGs, Nutritional Food Security (SAN) is identified, which is stated as the search to maintain adequate food levels so that societies can develop; To achieve this end, it has been observed that urban gardens are a viable response to solve the problem, since it allows families to cultivate plants with nutritional value that mitigate the eventual violation of the SAN; That is why urban gardens are used as a viable response to which eighth grade students of the Colegio Claretiano de Bosa can go to participate in mitigating the violation of the SAN. To present this problem to students, the School Technological Activities (ATE) are used, which are designs proposed by teachers so that students can, through design and construction, explore knowledge and propose possible solutions to the problems that arise. Presents them. Regarding the methodology used in this degree work, it is a qualitative case study methodology, and a descriptive-interpretive approach. Surveys, unstructured interviews, recordings of synchronous encounters through the Meets platform, direct observation and the sequence of activities proposed in the ATE are used for data collection. For the design of the ATE, the components proposed by Quintana, Páez, & Téllez, (2018) are followed, which are: previous knowledge, title, intention, challenge, setting the context or setting, content information, remember that ..., hands to work, the recommendation and the evaluation; Each of these components of the ATE were carried out in 60-minute sessions and are presented in the free Genially application; The result of the students' work is presented in the Google presentations tool, which allows group work and the teacher's intervention in real time to guide the development of activities; The ATE is validated by an expert in the teaching of natural sciences and by its application in eighth grade students, concluding that it is pertinent and that it promotes students' knowledge of SAN and urban gardens, while favoring the problem solving ability. The results correspond to the analysis of the diagnostic test identifying the knowledge that students have in the dimensions of SAN and urban gardens; the description of the problem solving process, going through the stages of understanding the problem, designing a plan to solve the problem, executing the plan and examining the solution obtained and finally identifying the main dimensions of the SAN; It is concluded that there is progress in the identification of the dimensions of the SAN and in the ability to solve problems.