El imaginario social de crianza en jóvenes que se consideran criados por internet en lo que respecta a la construcción de la sexualidad y el autocuidado
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This investigation’s goal is to understand the social imaginary of upbringing in a group of young people that define themselves as being raised by the internet in matters concerning sexuality and self care. To this end, it was necessary to revise how mediation with the internet generated a cultural displacement during upbringing, as a new element that creates changes in social life, and new ways of using and interacting with everything that this mediation allows; it’s also necessary to contrast this phenomena with ‘traditional’ practices of upbringing that have been developed by parents and/or caregivers. This investigation set out to identify social imaginaries that appear in relation to upbringing and sexuality in specific ages and moments in the life of this group of young people that mostly transit through different sexual orientations. By recognizing the imaginary of upbringing in a defined social context and because the information gathered came directly from a group of young people that recognized themselves as LGBT and that through their experiences recognize in the internet a meaningful mediation in their upbringing, this study is defined as etnographic. A strategy to contact this group of youths was designed using the hashtag #criadoxsporinternet (which means ‘raised by the internet’), a facebook fanpage was algo made and a campaign to launch the hashtag was devised. Once the group of participants was defined the techniques used to obtain information were those of focal groups and storytelling. The meanings within the social imaginary shared by the group concerning sexuality and upbringing show us the importance in their lives of a construction of their own identity, gender expression, sexual orientation and self care. Within this social imaginary are the people, experiences and situations that have supported this search as well as the obstacles against them and the strategies they have developed to solve conflicts and difficulties. The group highlights the internet as the main tool of mediation used to challenge these obstacles. Therefore, this study is enrolled in the Emphasis of History, Imaginaries and Social Representations of Childhood of the Masters in Infancy and Culture of the Distrital University José de Caldas, one of the lines of research with which this Masters program seeks to find new meanings, new ways of understanding and new representations of infancy, of boys and girls, of their realities, their context, and their problems and thus contributing to the creation of new knowledge and practices.