Diagnóstico del riesgo por inundación en la inspección de Talauta y el casco urbano del Peñón Cundinamarca utilizando estadística exploratoria, modelamiento probabilístico y sistemas de información geográfica
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The municipality of the Peñón Cundinamarca has had a large number of threat events due to hydrometereological risk throughout its existence, mainly due to the fact that it is in a very vulnerable geological zone, for this reason the aim of the following thesis focuses on two fundamental points, the first is the determination of the diagnosis of the risks that may occur in the future due to the threat of flooding in the populations found within the upper hydrological basin of the Río Negro in the municipality of Peñón Cundinamarca, which are the inspection of Talauta and the urban area of the municipality, this using probabilistic modeling in order to estimate the frequency with which the mentioned populations are flooded, together with an analysis of the phenomena that are suspected increase the probability of flooding in the study area which are the cold phase of the ENSO cycle and the rainy season of the country, seek To verify whether the maximum flows of the Río Negro increase and, the second point which serves as a complement and support for the calculations for the first part, is the development of maps that allow the analysis of the diagnosis of how these two geographical points are affected regarding these threats while analyzing the current "Municipal Disaster Risk Management Plan" establishing their weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats.