Formulación plan de manejo predio Finca Ecoturística El Alcaraván, Vereda Maracos, Granada (Meta)
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The El Alcaraván Ecotourism Farm has a total area of 3.6 ha, of which 2.1 corresponds to a body of water cataloged by the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Macarena (CORMACARENA) as a strategic ecosystem of artificial wetland (VIAM, 2020), which plays a very important role as a wildlife refuge for the region and conservation of the local water resource, also around it has the presence of flora representative of the tropical humid forest (bh-T), becoming the refuge of species endangered flora such as cedar (Cedrela odorata L.) and male cedar (Pachira quinata (Jacq.) W.S. Alverson) and fauna such as the savanna turtle (Podonecmis vogli).
Due to the aforementioned, the idea of strengthening conservation work through the consolidation of the farm as a Natural Reserve of Civil Society (RNSC), focused on the ecotourism and environmental education through conservation, maintaining fauna and flora in viable conditions, promoting the process of vegetation restoration through the enrichment having as reference ecosystem the tropical humid forest (bh-T) and provided ecosystem services to the surrounding community. The present work is developed, following the guidelines of National Natural Parks, Association Network of Natural Reserves of Civil Society (Resnatur) and Orinoquia Regional System of Protected Areas (SIRAP Orinoquia) that allow to carry out the work defining the phases of diagnosis, ordering, zoning, action plan and monitoring.