Diseño e instalación de sistemas fotovoltaicos en Buenaventura- Valle del Cauca que garantice el suministro de energía eléctrica teniendo en cuenta aspectos técnicos y condiciones ambientales de la zona.
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Photovoltaic solar energy in Colombia has had great relevance since the 70s, with the commercialization of photovoltaic electricity generation plants, since then the largest applications have been in rural sectors, which have high generation costs because they are the most sections. In the last decade, projects of various applications have been implemented, benefiting not only rural areas but also urban areas, expanding installed capacity, along with the development of photovoltaic plants in the country; Examples of large applications are the first photovoltaic plant in the country Celsia Solar Yumbo- Valle del Cauca with a capacity of 9.8MW (2017) and the new Celsia Solar Bolívar plant (Santa Rosa de Lima- Bolívar), with an installed capacity of 8.06 MW. Current Colombian regulations, such as Law 1715 of 2014, have encouraged the use of non-conventional sources of renewable energy, establishing tax incentives (Law 1715, 2014). From this, the possibility arises of using these sources as alternative generators that can supply the demand of certain areas of the country that are affected by the continuous unavailability of electric power service due to different factors, such as geographic location, the difficult access to some areas of the country that have these energy deficiencies, as well as the lack of infrastructure, together with the deterioration and lack of maintenance of the electrical networks that cause continuous failures in the electricity supply, in addition to the damage caused to the electricity grids by groups outside the law in the context of the armed conflict, which affect the supply of public services to large areas of the territory. According to data from DANE, there are areas that are not interconnected to the national electricity grid, these have alternatives for electricity supply such as diesel generating plants installed by the community; but these present a negative environmental and economic impact due to the limitation of the availability of fuels, the noise generated, the pollution produced, the expenses represented in the maintenance, together with the inefficiency of the combustion engines, added to the limitation of the provision of the service in prolonged periods of time. One of the most viable alternatives to meet the energy demand in remote populations such as Buenaventura-Valle del Cauca, is the implementation of non-conventional energy sources such as photovoltaic systems, currently they are being developed in a massive way in the country, since For every 10 energy projects registered with the UPME, 6 are for photovoltaic solar energy. However, when they are implemented, on many occasions there may be power outages when the panel is in operation, due to the fact that these systems are not sized in an ideal way In this way, the need to evaluate the viability of designing and installing photovoltaic systems in Buenaventura - Valle del Cauca is seen, taking into account the conditions of the sector and energy demand, because photovoltaic systems, despite being considered generic They can be adapted to the different needs that need to be supplied.