Composición y Diversidad Florística Vascular de Bosque Altoandino, en el Predio la Chorrera, Municipio Une, Cundinamarca, Colombia
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A study of the composition and diversity in vascular flora of high Andean forest is presented, in the estate La Chorrera, municipality Une, Cundinamarca. This study consists of an inventory of individuals on two plots of land, located at an altitude between 3000 and 3100 m.s.n.m. Collection of plant material was made in July and December 2012. The plots 1 and 2 are strategically placed to establish similarities and differences; Plot number 1 corresponds to a segment of natural forest and parcel 2 to a segment of logged forest. For both the floristic composition was established, and the alpha and diversity Beta.Se recorded 88 species distributed in 68 genera and 42 families was estimated; were the most representative families Asteraceae (14.7%), Ericaceae (8.82%), Melastomataceae (5.88%), Polypodiaceae (5.88%), Poaceae (4.41%). The genera with more species were Miconia (latifolia, orcheotoma, Dolichopoda, mollicula, plethorica, elaeoides) Baccharis (clear, prunifolia, sp) Brunellia (integrifolia, Colombia, propinqua). Ageratina (fastigiata, tinifolia) .According to Margalef index, the plot 2 had higher species richness with a value of 10.64 and the lowest value of species richness plot 1 corresponds to a value of 5.35. Parcels 1 and 2 presented to the Shannon-Wiener index values of 3.18 and 3.86 which would indicate that the plots of vascular flora are diverse. The two plots share 18% of the recorded species, presenting a low similarity of 0.18, according to the index of Jaccard. This indicates that despite being the two plots in high Andean area of human action has changed the flora of the site. scientific name, common name, growth habit and botanical descriptions complemented with notes of altitudinal and geographic distribution, habitat of the plant, uses, and registration: In addition, a visual guide of this vascular flora on the property, which has been developed photographic.