Evaluación de la eficiencia del hipoclorito de calcio usado en el control de Aedes Aegypti, en el municipio Anapoima-Cundinamarca en condiciones de laboratorio
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In the present investigation the efficiency of calcium hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2 used by inhabitants of the municipality of Anapoima-Cundinamarca as a chemical control of larvae of Aedes Aegypti was evaluated. The population prefers to use Ca(ClO)2 since the control through chemical insecticides takes away the possibility of using this water for human consumption. A colony of Aedes Aegypti was established and maintained with individuals captured in the municipality, this would be the field strain, until the number of larvae needed for each bioassay was obtained. Bioassays were performed in the entomology laboratory of the National Institute of Health, testing different concentrations until obtaining a mortality range between 2 to 100%, using 250ml beakers and exposing the larvae to different concentrations of calcium hypochlorite, each assay had 25 larvae of third stage - early quarter of Aedes Aegypti, for each tested concentration, 4 repetitions were performed, plus a control group with distilled water and a mortality count at 24 hours. This same methodology was carried out with a susceptible strain-Rockefeller to evaluate degrees of resistance that could be found. As final results, a probit regression was performed that allowed to estimate the lethal concentration values 50-99 (LC50-99), in the susceptible strain, CL50 7.71 ppm and CL99 25.14ppm were obtained and in the field strain a CL50 12,15ppm ppm and CL99 30,59ppm indicating a slight resistance to calcium hypochlorite in the field strain.