Propuesta para el cambio de dispositivo de pago, mediante la utilización de una manilla inteligente para el ingreso al Sistema Integrado de Transporte Público SITP en Bogotá D.C.
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Based on the problem identified, which refers to the search for the card that allows entry into the Integrated Public Transport System of the country's capital, it is evident that on occasions this is difficult or ultimately forgotten, which in turn contributes to the generation of queues, dissatisfaction and stress on the part of users. For this reason, a project is proposed to change the current payment device by using an intelligent handle to enter the system. A market study was carried out to identify the demand, determine the offer and, through a context analysis, segment the market; later, the technical requirements that satisfy the functionality of the proposed device are described. Finally, the financial viability of the project is evaluated through a sensitivity analysis with which it is possible to define that the proposal is feasible.