Estudio de las concepciones sobre la tentatividad del conocimiento científico en estudiantes de secundaria a través de una estrategia didáctica
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NoS is an important element in the teaching and learning processes in science because it enables scientific literacy science because it enables scientific literacy. On the other hand, it is considered that language is also important in this process and that it is mediated by a series of skills that allow communication language is also important in this process and is mediated by a series of skills that allow communication; among these skills are the cognitive-linguistic skills (CLS) that are related to textual typologies and are also transversal, they are used in all areas of knowledge. Despite the importance of NoS, difficulties are found in the conceptions that students have and that tend to be of a traditional nature. Likewise, the levels of development of CLS are low in a generalized manner. Therefore, a study is carried out through the application of a Didactic Unit (DU) adapted to 65 sixth grade students of the District Educational Institution Aquileo Parra, in the city of Bogota. The aim is to analyze the effect on the conceptions on NoS, specifically on the tentativeness aspect of scientific knowledge (TSK) through the application of a DU on the structuring concept of transformation, through the development of the CLS of describing, summarizing and explaining. A mixed methodological design is developed. By means of ICT, this DU is applied due to the contextual emergency caused by the pandemic. The main results obtained are the improvement of students' conceptions on TSK through the aforementioned CLS, going from traditional conceptions to adequate and contemporary conceptions; on the other hand, students make explicit reflections on this aspect, which is evidenced in their written productions. On the other hand, students improve their development levels in CLS describing, summarizing and explaining, going from basic to adequate and advanced levels. This indicates that the CLS enable learning in science. On the other hand, the improvement in the conceptions about TSK contributes to scientific literacy. Finally, a contribution is made to science didactics by providing tools for the analysis of students' conceptions of NoS, as well as activities and rubrics for the development and evaluation of the aforementioned CLS.