Análisis y Contexto de la Contribución de Valorización Bajo el Acuerdo 7 de 1987 “Por el Cual se Adopta el Estatuto de Valorización del Distrito Especial de Bogotá”
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Analysis and context of valorizacion contribution under the agreement 7, 1987 " adopting the statute of valuation of special district of bogota " case study assignment ac 523 2013 " for which is partially amending the agreements 180 2005 , 398 2009 , 445 2010 amending and suspended the agreements 451 2010.
The work developed in the allocation of Agreement 523 of 2013 was noted in the development of technical concepts for incorporating land and all that it entails, the analysis of the legal status of the properties, type of damages , property taxes mutations etc without leaving aside other processes of the Agreement 523 of 2013 such as allocation and collection , cross bills and return of monies raised .
Following the experience in the development of technical concepts I did three manuals for the process in the valoricemos system is the one that handles the entity for such processes which were reviewed, approved and executed by one reviewer and project coordinator throwing as a result were made answers to trades and rights of petition filed by the owners of real property located in the hinterlands of Agreement 523 of 2013 .
As one of the final products a primer which tries to solve the most frequent doubts and confusion of concepts that taxpayers at the time of the filing of a trade or the right to petition the entity arose was obtained.