Impactos ambientales de la minería de carbón y su relación con los problemas de salud de la población del municipio de Samacá (Boyacá), según reportes ASIS 2005-2011.
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Each has an impact Human Activities in Ecosystems Surrounding It, however Economic Activities son of vital importance to the survival and sustainability of the Communities. Where it is then a UN analysis for the specific case of Samacá (Boyacá), which is a municipality that has been characterized by the large amount of coal mining is performed. Through Correlations for Disease Reports ASIS (Health Situation Analysis) from 2005 to 2011 Environmental Impacts Associated with Associated coal mining in the municipality of Samacá, try v reach checking a hypothesis From data provided by each of the institutions (ASIS and UPME), where are collected and analyzed the data for later analysis. Environmental Impact Related Biophysical Factors Air, Water and Soil with Effects in paragraph Human Health municipality Samacá Between the years 2005 - 2011, taking as reference points the Picos Extraction itself came to the conclusion that the diseases mostly related Respiratory son, circulatory Cardiovascular And, they possess a mayor incidence of both mortality and morbidity of the population of Samacá.