Inteligencia emocional en la comunicación: estrategia para un bienestar empresarial integral. Monografía de análisis de experiencias
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This investigation arose from the need to analyze and generate an intervention strategy that works in a punctual way the behaviors and work environments where the lack of emotional intelligence has negatively impacted in the communication, the present work strengthens a greater knowledge on the importance of these two categories in the human development of workers, being "work" a scenario of convergence among the microsystems of its members. An intervention strategy was created for the improvement of communication skills, supported by emotional intelligence, for officials of the Property Management Section, attached to the Administrative and Financial Division of the National University of Colombia. Three antecedents were taken into account (two Colombians, one Peruvian) that provided a general overview of the study of communication in organizations. The categories of "communication", "emotional intelligence", "compassion" and "human development" were conceptualized, worked by authors such as: Daniel Goleman, Dalai Lama, Urie Bronfenbrenner and Joan Acosta. The paradigmatic approach worked is qualitative with an emphasis on phenomenology. Which allowed to see from the subjectivities and perspectives of the individual, its relationship with the phenomena studied. The questionnaire, participant observation and the focus group were used as research tools. We counted with the participation of 14 officials in the diagnostic process, oscillating their participation in the mediation workshops. From the diagnosis and the pilot carried out, it was concluded that business communication has been a concept widely worked in academic areas, however, such 8 studies have shown models based on the idea of improving productivity only, limiting the problem of communication to aspects purely quantitative. The lack of time for the break and the self-evaluation of the internal dynamics of both the individual and the work teams, the lack of maturity to face the criticism (without judgment), the ignorance of individual responsibility and its impact on the dynamics of the group. Lack of sensitivity for self-reflexive processes. Emotional Intelligence in the workplace is a capacity that develops with work and reinforcement, which starts from a motivated or inspired personal decision. EI is presented as a human alternative for change, transforming lives and showing scenarios little explored by the prevailing scientific dynamics. This type of proposal is substantially different from the utilitarian aims that try to provide measurable solutions, contrary to this, EI makes visible problems, tends to broaden the view of the phenomena "already studied", makes the world more complex and provides it with an integral sense, more compassionated and human.