Apoyo técnico en la revisión y gestión de avalúos comerciales corporativos de los predios afectados por el proyecto de infraestructura vial perimetral oriente Bogotá (POB), entre el municipio de la Calera y el municipio de Choachí
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The beginning of the internship was to establish the protocol (Formats) that would be object of development for the work established within the object of the contract, that would allow an optimal and effective development of the valuatory part in the area of affectation by the passage of the road infrastructure (Perimetral Oriente Bogotá). After this several stages were established, first the information provided by the contracting company was reviewed; second, after verifying this information, the geographical identification of the affected properties was proceeded; third, a field visit was conducted to obtain information that would serve as food for the market studies that would allow establishing the values applicable to each area of affectation; fourth, the appraisal assignment was made to the technical group that was to carry out this task; fifth, the Appraiser submitted the report of his visits to the appraisal committee and gave his approval through minutes; Sixth, the appraisal report was subject to review by the technical part of the company and observations were made; Seventh, the appraisal report was sent to the contracting company with the requested adjustments; and finally, the billing process was consolidated. In this process that was described step by step, it was difficult to compare the market studies to be used for the appraisals, given the technical appendices established by the ANI. In addition, a specific market study and special management was conducted to establish market values for a populated center that was part of the study area, inter-administrative meetings were held with Perimetral Oriente Bogotá (POB) and the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI).