Patrones de diversidad en mariposas pronophilina a través de diferentes estados de fragmentación del hábitat en la vereda frailejonal, la calera - Colombia (Nymphalidae:Satyrinae). comentarios sobre la diversidad criptica en el complejo pedaliodes Phaea (Hewiston,1862)
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In Colombia, as well as in other countries, it has been observed different kind of impacts related to antropic activities, whose have expanded to the primary and secondary forest, affecting negatively the populations of flora and fauna. For this reason, it is very importabt to know the patrons of diversity and the distribution of the species that are in determined area to implement strategies of conservation. Butterflies are consider bioindicators of habitat for their ecology specifity, their strong relation with the quality of the habitat and their ecositemic funtions, whose allow determinate changes in the habitat that can affect the natural populations due to perturbarions. Butterflies of the Phonophilina family, distributed all along the Andes mountains, are one of the most diverse lepidopteros groups in the andes ecosistems and the neotropic region, additionally it is a group that holds a great quantity of endemismo in these ecosistems that have been affected in the last decades for the antropic activities. For this reason in thos study were analised the diversity patrons of Phonophily butterflies trough different states of fragmentation of the habitat in the village Freilejonal, La Calera, Colombia. Each 15 days were developed samplings begining the 2th of march of 2013 and finishing 30th of March of 2015, using Van Sommer -Rydon traps and manual recollections with entomologic networks with the objective of consider dry and wet stations. There were stablished three stations of study: High, Medium and Low, according to the state of habitat fragmentation, where it was found that this group of butterflies presents lower richness in the high fragmentation zone, being worrying about its state in terms of its composition of flora and plant cover, in turn, the medium and low state showed greater diversity. The impact of fragmentation is observable in terms of the presence of dominant species and little richness of butterflies in the middle and low states. Where the state of the ecosystem has been affected by anthropic activities such as urbanization and intensive agriculture, activities that they present a great threat to the butterfly communities and other organisms. They proposed the species Panyapedaliodes drymaea, Pedaliodes phaea ochrotaenia and Pedaliodes polla, as synanthropic species, where their presence can be explained under the effects of the disturbance In the same way, exclusive species were found for the different strips altitude, finding the largest number of exclusive species at 3216 msnm followed by the range of 3150, for the range of 3030 msnm they were not observed exclusive species. On the other hand, a preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the group was made Pedaliodes phaea, which presents a high phenotypic variation rate, where of the 22 sp. that make up in group only Pedaliodes baccara, Pedaliodes fuscata, Pedaliodes wilhelmi and Pedaliodes thiemei are the only ones within the group that can be considered stable, the others were within a polytomy which suggests that the variation phenotypic may result in variations in the species. Likewise, two new species are suggested for the genus Pedaliodes, Pedaliodes sp. nov and the description of a non-valid species Pedaliodes boyacencis.