Las locas de la casa Prácticas estéticas sobre las prosaicas de la exclusión. Mariposas de otras tierras como empresa creativa
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Crazy of the house aesthetic Practices on the prosaicism of the exclusion. MOT as a Creative Company, is the research creation project that studies the logic that underpins the Butterflies of Other Land MOT Arts and Humanities Research Group directed by me; inquire to understand how the poetics in our scenic artistic practices become and transform the prosaicism of exclusion. This project is attached to the research line Critical Studies of Corporality’s, Sensibilities and Performativity’s of the Faculty of Arts ASAB. I combine the experience through methodological tools such as documentary archeology, the analysis of the theater play Butterflies from Other Lands, the Conno Tisoy's autoethnographic writing stories that are central to this research, some artistic practices such as the model of the play Butterflies of Other Lands, also the cartographies, the metaphor of the strategy games and finally the visual archive. From there the experiences are described and confronted, the practices that mobilized the daily life of each of the members of MOT, some in situations of disability and others of non-heteronormed sexualities, in the face of practices of mistreatment and vexation of the sensitive dimensions of our lives. This project presents several contributions to the field of Artistic Studies, but two of them stand out; the first The Fifth Wall of the Theater, the analysis of the theatricalization of the normality of our own situations and conditions. The second is the Yosotros as a category in the field of dissolution of the subject, which opens and ends the territories of the unipersonal.