La pedagogía de la ternura: relaciones socio-afectivas asertivas conmigo mismo, con el otro y mi entorno
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In the classroom all the emotions that the boy and the girl have are ignored, their sensitivity is not understood and they are not allowed to explore their senses. The school does not know the infant’s subjectivity and seeks the standardization of their way of thinking, acting and relating. In response to this need and in the quest to construct more humane pedagogies, this research project has resulted in the investigation of how children from 4 to 7 years old that attending the "Hogares Club Michín" Foundation build assertive socio-affective relationships and their manifestations of tenderness with their parents and the Foundation's staff. In order to carry out the objective, the investigation was carried out studying various authors and specialists who guide and give sustenance to the research process and the pedagogical implementation, as well, art was a fundamental axis to work with infants and thus be able to know more fully its subjectivity. In this way, we reflect and give importance to all the feelings and emotions of the different actors in the educational field.