Caracterización de la política publica "Bogotá activa" en relacion con el diseño sostenible de la ciudad


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This paper characterizes the current state of the public policy "Bogotá más active” (Bogota more active) in relation to the sustainable design of the city, for which the factors of this policy in social, environmental and economic aspects are identified. Likewise, recommendations are presented for the construction of sustainable public policies in Bogotá in sports, recreation and physical activity. The work is based on the study of official reports from the district administrations on the aspects analyzed, and the trends of the corresponding indicators are analyzed during the period 2009 to 2019. The first conclusion found was that the “Bogotá más activa (Bogota more active)” public policy did not have continuity in its execution due to the alternation of power by different political parties, which brought with it changing priorities and interests. Despite this, some aspects were found in the different dimensions that made it possible to assess the sustainability situation of the city. The work is organized in four chapters, the first introductory one that includes the description of the problem, the objectives, the conceptual, theoretical and legal reference framework, as well as the state of the art. The second chapter presents the research methodology, the third analyzes the continuity of the policy and the fourth chapter indicates the conclusions.


Establecer estado actual de la política pública “Bogotá más activa” 2009- 2019 teniendo como óptica de estudio los factores sociales, ambientales y económicos. Para ello, esta investigación exploratoria con enfoque mixto rastreo informes oficiales de las administraciones distritales y comparó indicadores durante el período 2009 a 2019 en relación a políticas públicas para ciudades sostenibles. Entre las conclusiones preliminares se encuentra la ingobernabilidad y poca continuidad en la ejecución de la política pública “Bogotá más activa” por causa de la corrupción en movilidad y las cambiantes posturas políticas de partido.

Palabras clave

Caracterización, Deporte, Política publica, Sostenibilidad, Desarrollo humano


Administración Deportiva - Tesis y disertaciones académicas , Política pública - Bogotá (Colombia) - 2009-2019 , Diseño sostenible - Bogotá (Colombia) - 2009-2019 , Desarrollo sostenible - Bogotá (Colombia) - 2009-2019 , Deportes - Bogotá (Colombia) - 2009-2019
