Plan de Prevención, Preparación y Respuesta Ante Emergencias para la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno Edificio Bicentenario 2017
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In this project, a Prevention, Preparedness and Emergency Response Plan was prepared for the District Department of Government - Bicentennial Building 2016, following the guidelines that dictate the regulations, within the Colombian norms we can mention: Law 9 of 1979 articles 114 and 116 in which reference is made of having trained human resources and with adequate equipment to fight fires, Resolution 2400 of 1979, Resolution 1016 OF 1989 by which the organization, operation and form of occupational health programs are regulated, Decree 919 of 1989 by which the national system for the prevention and attention of disasters is organized, Decree 614 of 1984 article 8, and Decree 1072 of 2015 that compiles standards of Safety and Health in the Workplace.
For the elaboration of this plan, we counted on the development of different activities, among them: the identification of the entity, the diagnosis of the conditions that affect the work and what is related to strategic planning, organizational structure, description of services developed by the entity, aspects of the workers and description of the physical infrastructure of the District Department of Government - Bicentennial Building; the Identification of the threats, determining the vulnerability and defining the levels of risk against them, through a vulnerability analysis of the entity; Establish procedures in case of emergency for all possible factors that would intervene in the District Department of Government; Prepare maps, plans or drawings of the facilities where equipment is identified, risk areas, number of people, emergency exits, evacuation routes, signaling, among others; The aim is to emphasize the prevention and control of risks, as an instrument to eliminate or reduce the impact on work accidents and to prepare the facilities so that they play a decisive role in complying with the procedures proposed in the plan.