Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa recolectora y comercializadora de Unche en el Sector de San Benito - Tunjuelito
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The present proposal intends to propose a study whose purpose will be to deduce the feasibility of creating a company in the San Benito neighborhood of Tunjuelito (Bogotá D.C.). This company will focus its activities on the purchase and sale of one of the solid waste of the tannery, fruit of the stripping process, the unche. The study raises several phrases about which the market, the finished product, the legal constitution of the company, the impacts of the product on the environment, the administrative study regarding its administrative composition, organization chart, respective vision, mission and corporate values, and finally the financial study that will translate into monetary values on what will be the necessary resources, as soon as they are recovered and the expected profit. Creating the company may be feasible for both the investor and tanneries in the San Benito neighborhood, since there are located about 400 businesses of this industry, according to the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota (CCB). Failure to address the environmental damage caused by the process in general has caused them years of economic fines to go against the district and government legislation. The unche can be classified as a hazardous waste, it generates damages to the environment and it attacks against the human health mainly by its offensive smells. According to the same CCB, these tanneries have made the Tunjuelito River the most polluted in the country for years.