Valoración económica de los impactos ambientales significativos sobre el humedal capellanía por la construcción de la Avenida Longitudinal de Occidente (ALO) – Tramo 2
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The development of road infrastructure projects in Bogotá increasingly affects the wetlands, the reduction in this area is concern, to clear example is implicit in the present case study, that the wetland area decreases directly by construction action of the Longitudinal Avenue of the West and amounts to 27% of the total area, the objective of this document is to economically value the environmental impacts on the Capellania wetland, product of said linear project, through the identification, classification and classification of the environmental impacts, extracting the parameters as criteria for the application of economic evaluation methodologies in order to determine the environmental liability generated by the project. The negative environmental impacts were classified as "severe" and "significating" in the terms of this document, because they have a residual characteristics, that is, the effects of the impact remain over time, so the projections was made to the horizon of 20 years in the application of economic valuation methodologies, expressing in monetary units the degree of the impact in the ecosystem. Finally, it is concluded that the environmental liabilities are left by the Longitudinal Avenue of the West must be internalized in the costs of execution and maintenance of the project, because the negative environmental impacts, maintain residual characteristics and require continuous intervention and investment measures equivalent to the period in which the effects of the impact are maintained, that is, permanently..