Apoyo a las actividades del PIGA de la contraloría de Bogotá D.C, en los programas de gestión integral de residuos e implementación de prácticas sostenibles bajo la línea de movilidad urbana.
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The Comptroller of Bogotá, D.C., has an institutional plan for environmental management PIGA (Decree 456 of 2008) which in its environmental policy seeks to implement in all its headquarters a mitigation and / or correction of negative environmental impacts, strengthening the activities for the proper development of their mission through the efficient management and use of natural resources, also based on the technical standard NTC-ISO 14001, therefore six programmes are adopted, efficient use of water, energy, comprehensive solid waste management, sustainable consumption, extension of good practices and implementation of sustainable practices, based on the accompaniment of technology students in environmental management and public services of the Francisco José de Caldas District University for support the objectives of two programmes proposed by the PIGA; the objective of the comprehensive waste management programme sets out to develop strategies to prevent, minimise waste generation and ensure good management, use and/or final disposal, and the programme of implementation of sustainable practices under the urban mobility line seeks to establish actions and strategies to encourage the use of means alternative transport.