Enseñando adición y sustracción a partir del método para el aprendizaje natural de las matemáticas y la granja de Don Juan

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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


Se describen los resultados obtenidos en una experiencia en el aula, la cual se realiza a lo largo de la asignatura Práctica Intermedia V de la Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Matemáticas de la Universidad Distrital. En dicha práctica se pretendió enseñar la noción de adición y sustracción a un grupo de estudiantes de grado primero, a partir del diseño, gestión y evaluación de una secuencia didáctica, la cual fue establecida utilizando como referente el Método para el Aprendizaje Natural de las Matemáticas y las orientaciones para el diseño y elaboración de actividades de aprendizaje y de evaluación. Los resultados más relevantes al terminar dicha práctica refieren a las estrategias a las que acudieron los estudiantes para darle solución a situaciones problema como: las estrategias sistemáticas de asignación y de conteo para así reconocer grupos con mayor o igual cantidad de objetos y para agrupar los objetos teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de elementos que debe agrupar (base); y al realizar adiciones o sustracciones tienen en cuenta el signo, además que se debe comenzar a agrupar y desagrupar desde las unidades. Teaching addition and subtraction based on the natural method of learning mathematics and farm Don JuanAbstract This article describes results obtained in a classroom experience that is performed at the time of the subject see intermediate practice V of the Bachelor's degree in elementary education with emphasis in Mathematics from the University District. In this practice was intended to teach the notion of addition and subtraction to a group of students from first grade, on the basis of the design, management and evaluation of a didactic sequence, which was established as a benchmark using the method for the Natural learning of mathematics and the guidelines for the design and development of learning activities and assessment. The most relevant results at the end of the practice refer to the strategies which was attended by the students to give solution to problem situations such as: the systematic strategies for allocation and counting in order to recognize groups with greater than or equal amount of objects and to group the objects taking into account the amount of elements that should be grouped together (base), and to make additions or subtractions have in account the sign, in addition they should start to group and ungroup from the drives.Keywords: aggregation, difference, mathematics, grouping, somme, soustraction, teaching
It describes the results obtained in a classroom experience, which was carried out along the subject Intermediate V in the undergraduate program for educating mathematics teachers in District University Francisco José de Caldas. In this practice it was tried to teach the notion of addition and subtraction to a group of first grade students, from the design, management and evaluation of a didactic sequence, which was established using as reference the Method for the Natural Learning of Mathematics and guidance for the design and development of learning and evaluation activities. The most relevant results at the end of this practice refer to the strategies to which students came to solve problems such as systematic allocation and counting strategies to recognize groups with more or equal number of objects and to group objects taking into account the number of elements to be grouped (base), and when making additions or subtractions take into account the sign, in addition that you must begin to group and ungroup from the units.


Palabras clave

aggregation, difference, mathematics, grouping, sommw, soustraction, teaching, agregación, agrupación, diferencia, enseñanza, matemáticas, resta, suma


