Simulación del modelo de interacción de actores del sistema de abastecimiento alimentario de Bogotá : implementación de tecnologías de modelado basado en agentes y metodología de sistemas suaves
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This project involves the implementation of a multi-agent system that aims to simulate the behavior of the actors involved in the process of food supply to Bogotá, proposed by the mayor in the Food Supply and Safety Master Plan of Bogotá, described in Mayor's decree 315 of 2006, which restructures the way the actors of supply and demand are related to the cycles of food supply and sees the possibility they act individually or in associative networks. It is desirable to analyze the behavior to be taken by the actors once executed the proposed system and evaluate the impact of its implementation on food prices. It is based on theoretical formulations and tools presents in the Soft Systems Methodology and a methodological approach based on MASINA, which includes five models: agents, intelligence, coordination, tasks and communication; which comprise the Agent Based Model. A software prototype was developed, based on that model, using onion bulb as example, obtaining results in regard to utility of the Food Supply System for the city of Bogotá, reducing the prices of agricultural products.