Esta escuela sigue viva. Reconstrucción histórica del barrio Juan Rey en la localidad de San Cristóbal de Bogotá. 1970 – 2000
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"This school is still alive", as a research work in education is a commitment to reconstruct the history of the Juan Rey neighborhood, located in the south of East of Bogotá, which historically is delimited between its foundation in 1970 and the transformations observed until the year 2000. The research is developed with the collection of stories of the neighborhood and interviews conducted with the families of the seventh-grade students of the Intitución Educativa Distrital (I.E.D) Juan Rey. The systematization of the information found seeks to facilitate its interpretation and understand the settlement process of the neighborhood and the customs. of the socio-spatial life and of the daily life of the neighborhood This proposal allows to establish a dialogue of knowledge between families, students, and the school. Its development serves to understand the context in which students and their families live, identifying their immediate history and the geography that surrounds them, thus understanding the uses and customs in everyday life. This reflection of pedagogical practices in the teaching-learning of school geography, seeks to contribute to the formation of new citizens, knowledgeable and committed to the history of their neighborhood, which will allow them from their own context and the existing school relationship between the neighborhood, the city and the world.