Representaciones sociales de la ficción televisiva
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This research work entitled "The Social Representations that mobilizes TV fiction series in the three Cains "is presented to obtain the title of Master in Communication and Education. It is dedicated to the analysis of television fiction and its influence in shaping Social Representations of paramilitary groups in Colombia is why the core of this research is integrated from three categories of analysis they are: Colombian social representations, context-twentieth century (emergence of the paramilitaries in Colombia) and television fiction. For the development of the above categories decided chapter structure consisting of the following times: In the first chapter we present the twentieth century as social and historical context in which It arises and society and mass communication develops, becoming one of the decisive events of that period. This to understand implications they bring the development of information technologies and the mass media in shaping contemporary social systems, where the communication appears as a structural subsystem thereof. In We should thus focus on TV, seen as the means by focus excellence to think the cultural dynamics that circulate in this type of companies; dynamics in the image and fiction based show media, stand as permanent reference for understanding the production and the exchange of sense and everyday citizen crossed by these processes. Obviously, the ultimate goal is none other than to find him a place to telenovela, the televised speech in this case that of fiction and its undeniable ability to become first-line entertainer that national daily. In the second chapter we care about deeply into the various elements constituting the television address so that a relationship is established between language, background, or experience, culture and social mediation television, in light of these we see emerging and Social Representations through community interaction they are shared and accepted. The third time we expose the Colombian context twentieth century as warn a number of structural changes which have to do with the modernization processes, configuration of large cities, the organization of political power, diversification of the economy, and other popular insurrection, focus separately on economic, political and social aspects so that Colombian to understand their reality and how it relates to the fiction television in their potential to recreate, count and express phenomena the cross.Broadly speaking we can say th at this stage of Colombian life began with the illusion of prosperity agreed in 1902 on board the steamer Wisconsin, where He ended the War of a Thousand Days, and ended with the wave of violence generated by the chaotic mixture of subversion, paramilatarismo and drug trafficking. It is unfortunate if mentioned that violence is the most characteristic feature of this century, however not the whole picture is discouraging Colombian society was transformed and moved in order to establish itself as a developed country, in other words, in 1901 Colombia, regarding development rates, served as 100 percent between twenty nations that then existed; in 2000 it was ranked the 60th among one hundred ninety-nine that they were on the world map. In the fourth section, Methodological Framework, the process followed for described analysis, through a qualitative research approach based on a design by Theory of Social Representations, classical school (procedural). It includes a escription of the selected corpus, that is, of the key moments in accordance with the development of the storyline of the series, then a critical reading of held atmosphere, effects: a corpus for which topics were established to develop tecnoretóricos, characterization of the characters and conversations so that I could highlight the most important elements and perceptions of those structural moments. This chapter presents the analysis matrices Results, in which the interventions of our participants is developed support group. It also includes the answer to the main research question. In this section the analysis and the relationship between theory and categories is done identified was enriched by the contributions of other authors who have worked topics discussed here. And the last chapter, Conclusions, which are reflected in major approaches, as we mentioned at the start of research work, our overall objective is to identify the social representations that mobilizes Three television fiction Cains, during the passing of the investigation were tested some of the assumptions that were made. It was concluded that the nationalization processes that unfold from the receipt of the series are quite strong, it was observed as participants express their feelings of frustration and pain to see recreated the phenomenon of violence in Colombia. As we could unravel the relationship between knowledge earlier, the accumulation of life experiences and new information provided by the series TV is in this sense when the space opens to reflect on the discursive potential of television and its impact on the social structure. This research attempts to explain how, through television, and consequently culture, explaining what social systems are created, ie some perceptions that probably are not restricted to what we stated above, but the possibility of analysis on this aspect is open to that from the field communication-education spaces for reflection are created relevant.