Resignificando desde el amor las construcciones de pareja encontrando respuestas desde la psicogenealogía a través de la poesía
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This work was framed within the search for answers from psychogenealogy regarding decisions made throughout the years in the face of marital relationships. Therapeutic support was provided from this epistemological standpoint, delving into the family history of previous generations, allowing for the observation of prebiographical (genealogical) experiences, along with biographical (personal) ones, such as anxiety, insecurity, fears, digestive system collapses leading to surgery, family secrets, loyalties, and family dynamics. This led to an understanding of the human experience and its evolution in each stage of development, enabling a rebirth. This process was conducted through artistic research, resulting in a collection of poems that externalize the emotions experienced in each therapy session, recognizing the holistic nature of human development and exploring self-perception and recognition as individuals who participate in different contexts, where the impact of interactions is shaped by decisions.