Diagnóstico normativo y ambiental del estado actual de la minería en la jurisdicción de la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca, regional Soacha
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The present work of degree contains the development of the project called "Normative and environmental diagnosis of the current state of mining in the jurisdiction of the Autonomous Regional Corporation of Cundinamarca, CAR-Soacha regional, under the modality of internship to apply for the title of environmental engineer. The proposal arises from the need to establish the state in which finds the mining activity of the municipalities of Soacha and Sibaté, to determined compatible areas for the mining exploitation of building materials, as well as their environmental status by reference to the mining title and to the corresponding environmental instrument in each case as Environmental License (LA), Environmental Management Plan (EMP) or Plan of Management, Restoration and Environmental Recovery (PMRRA). The scope of the proposal is circumscribed to the information contained in the files of the sanction and permissive processes found in the database called "List of mining operations within the basin of Bogotá river", which is provided by the CAR, Soacha regional. In the same way, for this analysis there is a delivery by the File Management System, SAE, of the processes opened from 2015 on the mining issue. The methodology applied for the development of the proposal is developed in 3 stages: The first one searches through the architecture of the database to give a structure, because it has general information, regulations, legal and environmental interspersed. The second stage is to search and record the information starting both of the records registered in the database, in adittion of the processes opened since 2015. In addition to the search for information, using satellite tools seeks to highlight the transformations in the geoform that have suffered some areas of the municipality of Soacha and Sibaté due to mining activity. Finally, the third stage is based on analyzing the information compiled from both the dossiers and the changes in the geoform of both municipalities.