Composición del ensamblaje de aves del campus de la Universidad de La Sabana km.7, Autopista Norte de Bogotá Chía - Cundinamarca
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The composition of the bird ensemble of the campus of the University of La Sabana, located in the department of Cundinamarca, in the municipality of Chía, in the Cundiboyacá plateau of the East Mountain System of Andes/Colombia was studied. This study was performed in 5 anthropic hedges, located inside the university campus, 7 km from the North Sabana of Bogotá. It meant 49 days of effort, distributed in 7 months, with twice a week periodicity; initiating the camp on August 2014 and finalizing the sampling in march 2015. 61 bird species were registered, belonging to 12 orders and 23 families. Among the 61 registered species, 21 are strictly aquatic birds; other 21 correspond to migratory birds and 4 bird species are endemic animals from Colombia: the Pato Turrio (Oxyura Jamaicensis Andina), the Tingua Mottoe (Gallinuta Melanops Bogotensis), and two almost endemic species: Picocono Rufo (Conirostrum Rufum) and the andian jilguero (Sporagra Spinescens). Three species listed in the campus are reported at the moment with thread levels according to the red books of Colombian birds, and the UICN categories; the Pato Turrio (Oxyura Jamaicensis Andina), with danger category (EN), the Tingua Moteada (Gallinule Melanops), in category of critical danger (CR) and a passeriform of the family of tyrannids, the migratory mosquito Contopus in the category NT, almost in thread. Two families of registered birds, in this study, Accipitriadea (with 4 species) and Troquilidae (with 3 species), are included in the CITES Appendix II. The diversity of birds was higher in two of the water corpuses; and we find when standardizing the samples to a similar sample coverture, that the bird diversity differs significantly among the 5 evaluated habitats; identifying that the ensemble at the interior of the university campus behaves as two effective communities. The avifauna was similar in two of the three Habitats with water corpuses, specially the Bogota River Habitat and the Central Lake Habitat campus, the two water corpuses evaluated with greatest area and extension; in these two habitats, the replacement of species was greater due to the nearness of the two water corpuses and to the similarity of the shared vegetal characteristics. The Vivero Habitat and the Casa Sauco Habitat, at the same time presented important characteristics in relation to the associated diversity, that, even though it was less in species richness terms, it was greater in the registration of rare birds, the majority of them, birds of high mountains that were not registered in other sample coverages or that were not so frequent. The habitat with the least amount of registered species and at the same time the most dissimilar in terms of composition was the Lake Patos Habitat Introducidos; this could be given due to the condition of artificial habitat where at some point the establishment of introduced Anatidos was promoted, highly competitive and dominants. While urbanization processes in civil engineering constructions in urban and suburbian environments is held at the North Sabana in Bogota, green areas and water corpuses as the ones present in the University of Sabana Campus can become in the last remainders where the local species diversity may be represented. On this basis, while these processes are held , then some places become more necessary as the area of study that center their actions in the planification, conservation and preservation of the fauna species and the flora of the region.