Plan de negocios para la puesta en marcha del proyecto empresarial michitemplos en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
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This business plan is based on the manufacture and marketing of scratching gyms for cats, whose purpose is to present to the market a portfolio of products of a lower value than market standards, as well as functional and spacious designs for the pet and Versatile for installation in today's homes. For this, three strategic zones were delimited at a geographical level, which are Barrio Mazuren (Suba), Barrio Quinta Paredes (Teusaquillo) and Barrio 20 de Julio (San Cristóbal), through the reception and use of reusable materials such as cardboard tubes. and scraps of cloth. With the purpose of developing said plan, two fundamental objectives were established, which consist of conducting a market study on the characteristics and potential of the market in the aforementioned areas and the implementation of an environmental impact study in order to identify the most relevant aspects and impacts and thus make decisions that do not harm the environment. This is done for the purpose of establishing the feasibility and acceptance of the product by the target population.