La cultura participativa de docentes de formación inicial en el área de ciencias de la Facultad de Ciencias y Educación de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
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This innovation and research work was conducted as part of the research entitled "The argument technologically supported as a strategy for collaborative learning and participatory culture of teachers initial training". Hence, it was developed with the goal of diagnosing the participatory culture that arises in the initial training of teachers in the sciences, within Faculty of Science and Education of the University Francisco José de Caldas, thus the description has been made, theoretical construct, data collection, analysis and proposal of strategic elements of participatory culture as a category of analysis. Furthermore, the investigative process for the collection and analysis of data implemented a mixed paradigm. Consequently, the sample was intentional. Additionally, the methodology used and the implemented techniques were participant observation, discussion groups and monitor the implementation of teaching and learning strategies based on the argument and supported with the software Digalo, through the analysis of argumentative maps. Continues the analysis of the results achieved by the intertwining established between the approaches of different authors about participatory culture and the data collected and described. Finally, this document presents a final part that consists of the conclusions reached on the development of this research and innovation, assessment of the objectives and expected results and the bibliography that supports the project.