Gestión de riesgo en incendios forestales, localidad Sumapaz, Bogotá D.C. Análisis para la construcción de estrategias de participación - acción
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In Colombia, as in the rest of the world, human intervention on the environment has altered several ecosystems and with it, the dynamics of natural phenomena, making human populations and other forms of life more vulnerable to occurrences of disaster risks. One of the main risks facing the city of Bogotá Distrito Capital is the probability of wildfires, which in most cases are generated by human action, in addition to the low capacity of response by entities. This reality obliges institutions and social groups to change the disciplinary point of view and generate an interdisciplinary analysis, from a holistic view and participation of action, to improve the control and response to forest fires, contributing to the sustainability of the territory. The town of Sumapaz is located in the south of Bogota (coordinates of the central point: 4 ° 15 '36 "N, 74 ° 10' 42" W), with an extension of 78,095 hectares, from rural to suburban. As far as the vegetation covers, the vegetation of páramo and high Andean forest, giving the ecosystemic importance and of water regulation of the region, the environmental services that feed the capital city. The objective of this study was to explain in a systematic way the socio-environmental elements that influence the local risk management in forest fires, in order to understand and appropriate territorial realities, as well as the generation and empowerment of knowledge to suggest A strategy of prevention, attention and control of forest fires, locality Sumapaz, Bogota DC. For the methodology, an analysis of socio-environmental elements was proposed that influences the generation of forest fires and the identification of key actors for risk management, based on the Altadir method of participatory planning (Matus, 2007) to finally construct a strategy for the reduction of forest fire events and the optimization of the control and response of forest fires. As a result, it is possible to infer the occurrence of a forest fire with a probable extension of 5773 ha, in a period of return of 5 years, a climatic differentiation in the zone with two and a dry period, depending on the climatic front. In spite of this, the main causes of forest fires in the locality are due to the use of fire by the local communities, due to their lack of management alternatives and risk management, according to the socio-environmental, political, And the absence of institutions. As for the key actors, the local mayoralty of Sumapaz, the Communal Action Boards and the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca are recognized as the most influential entities for the fulfillment of forest fire risk management objectives. There is also evidence of lack of institutional presence within the locality. Taking into account the local particularities of the Locality, it is proposed a change of vision focused on participation-social action for the empowerment of risk, reduction of events and optimization of control and response of forest fires, in the town of Sumapaz, Bogotá, Colombia, through the search for alternatives to use or optimization of local agricultural practices, improvement processes of the waste collection system, control and management of visitors in the Sumapaz Natural National Park, environmental education and improvement programs Of the response capacities, through the installation and adaptation of a forest fire station, permanent monitoring in dry times and observation post. As a conclusion, the actions aimed at risk management in forest fires, constitutes a synergistic mechanism, which contributes to reverse processes of loss and degradation of forests and other vegetation cover, present in the town of Sumapaz. This requires the active participation of the local community, from the local actors, to the district institutions, mainly the presence of all the entities that make up the District Commission for the Prevention and Mitigation of Forest Fires - CDPMF to transcend from an approach centered on what Operational, towards an approach centered on knowledge and social appropriation. Where the local population itself can empower and recognize the problems of their environment.