Sistematización de las Experiencias de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes y sus Familias, Víctimas de Abuso Sexual, en el Proceso Administrativo de Restablecimiento de Derechos. Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF), Centro Zonal Fontibon
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The initiative of PARD process, for its initials in Spanish, started in ICBF with a main objective of working in gathering the experiences faced by children and their families that have been victims of sexual abuse. It began with the intention of understanding the necessities of the beneficiaries of this work through a systematization process applied to children, teenagers, and their families. In addition, the project includes semi-structured interviews, visits to their homes, and creating a focal group through iconographic activities where the purpose is to analyze their current situation before the project PARD becomes into effect. There was satisfaction expressed by participants in Cronicas towards the warmth of the personnel and the support of participating entities, as well as the nonconformity with the waiting time before being able to express their wailings.