Intervención pedagógica para el acompañamiento y enseñanza de las matemáticas en aulas hospitalarias en tiempos de COVID-19
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This report was prepared by two students of the Bachelor's Degree in Basic Education with emphasis in Mathematics of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, who decided to do an internship in the Hospital Classrooms Program of the Secretary of Education of the District, in the framework of an inclusive education that facilitates access to education to students with some type of disease. The internship modality as a degree work option is contemplated in Agreement 038 of 2015 of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. The Agreement defines the internship is the one performed by the student in an entity, national or international, assuming the character of social, cultural practice etc, through the development of a theoretical-practical work, related to the area of knowledge, the internship seeks to propose planned and designed activities, in order to generate skills and pedagogical reflections based on a flexible curriculum. This implies that the internship students take into account for the development of the proposal of this Work Plan, the model of this work plan, the hospital pedagogical model that particularizes the demands of students and adapts this scenario to variables of interaction and empathy that are presented in the development of mathematics classes, now that there is a global problem related to health. In order to carry out the internship, an agreement was reached between the leading teacher, the hospital classrooms The classes were virtual, the classes were held at the times that were most convenient for the students, various alternatives were sought for holding the sessions, and any new developments or events that occurred during the sessions were reported to the lead teacher. This work plan report is structured as follows: Initially, Chapter 1 presents the theoretical framework, where the health situation faced by the country after the Covid-19 pandemic is analyzed, particularly related to education in hospital classrooms, in addition to the related legal and regulatory aspects. Then in chapter 2, the objectives of the internship in general and the objectives of each of the interns are presented. Chapter 3 then focuses on presenting the training received by the interns, which is The training received by the interns that contributes to the realization and development of the work plan and the fulfillment of the proposed objectives. Chapter 4 presents the development of the action plan and the adaptation of the didactic resources used during the preventive isolation in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Chapter 5 presents the recognition of the situation of the students/patients, what was achieved and the reflections according to the pedagogical process developed by the interns with each student, and finally the conclusions and recommendations.