Ideas de naturaleza de niños y niñas de la cultura anfibia
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The present work pretends to investigate the ideas of nature from the perspective of the Amphibian Culture, represented in twenty-six fourth-grade primary school students l. For this purpose, we start with the questions: what is nature? and how are human beings related to it ?, which served to address the problem of research that is oriented to the recognition of the cultural context and seeks to approach the frameworks of interpretation that shape this ideas. The general objective was to characterize the conglomerates of relevances in the ideas of nature of boys and girls of fourth-grade primary basic level of the Institución Educativa Técnica Agropecuaria y Minera (INETAM) located in San Martín de Loba (Bolívar) and that it is considered to belong to the amphibian culture. In this way, the present proposal take part of the research line "Teaching of science, context and cultural diversity" of the INTERCITEC Research Group (Interculturality, Science and Technology) from Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, which considers that in the teaching of sciences, different cultures come into contact and seek to document that the context and cultural diversity significantly cross the teaching of natural sciences. The type of research is conceived as educative from the didactics of natural sciences, with a qualitative approach and which is installed in the constructivist paradigm. As methods of data collection, the letter, the drawing, the semi-structured interview and the field diary are included. To guarantee the methodological rigor referred to credibility, confirmability and dependence, strategies such as the triangulation of methods, the triangulation of experts and the verification of the participants are included. The theoretical and methodological place that guides this research and allows the cultural interpretation of the meaning, sense and value of the ideas of nature of children, is based on the concept of culture (Geertz, 1996 and 2003, García Canclini, 2004) , the concept of value of Ricoeur (2006) and "conglomerate of relevance" (Molina, 2002 and 2012). These concepts guided the identification of value criteria that served as a reference for the analysis and hierarchization of ideas of nature, represented in seven criteria: Ethical (CEt), Aesthetic (CEs), Emotional (CEm), Naturalist (CN), of Utility (CU), Spacial (CT) and Sensorial (CS) The results show the influence of the environment and the amphibious cultural context, in the configuration of the ideas of nature of the participating children, reflected in the importance that they give to the elements of their environment, where water takes a considerable relevance. Additionally, traditional knowledge associated with the dynamics of their culture permeate these ideas, which highlights the need to establish relationships between culture and school science.