Apoyo a las actividades referentes a los requerimientos técnicos de aspecto sanitario gestionados por quejas y derechos de petición en el último cuatrimestre ante La Corporación Autónoma Regional – Dirección Regional Soacha
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Below is the work done in the internship with La Corporación Autónoma Regional en el municipality of Soacha, whose main objective was to support the tasks related to the technical requirements of health, address complaints and petition rights that affect to the natural resources and the quality of life of the population in the jurisdiction that includes the municipalities of Soacha and Sibate. Likewise, once the complaints and rights of petition were identified, a series of technical visits was established to the places affected by their care and management, corroborating in this way the alleged affectation to the environment. On the other hand, with the technical visits made, the technical reports were processed, in which the observed effects were observed and the data obtained in the technical visits were compared with the environmental regulations applicable to vulnerable resources, providing a technical concept of the complaint or the right of the complaint addressed, to be later accepted by an administrative act and determine the sanctions that could be caused by the breach of Colombia regulations. The previous process allowed gathering information for the preparation of analysis and application rights served in the last four-month period by La Corporación Autónoma Regional –Dirección Regional Soacha.