Diseño y Desarrollo de Hardware Reconfigurable de Acondicionamiento de Sensores para un Instrumento de Medición de Temperatura, Iluminancia, Nivel de Sonido, Vibración, Velocidad del Viento y Humedad Relativa
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This document aims to describe the project entitled: "DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF RECONFIGURABLE HARDWARE FOR SENSOR CONDITIONING FOR AN INSTRUMENT TO MEASURE TEMPERATURE, ILLUMINANCE, SOUND LEVEL, VIBRATION, WIND SPEED AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY", which was developed through the internship modality before the Francisco José de Caldas District University, engineering faculty; and that is part of a project of the Center for Research and Technological Development of the Electro, Electronics and Information Technology Industry (CIDEI), the company Kuspyde Ingeniería LTDA and COLCIENCIAS with code before Colciencias No: 329040320686; with the financing and approval of COLCIENCIAS and which is presented as a conclusion to a previous Technological Surveillance project supported by COLCIENCIAS code 329037019598, executed by CIDEI, at the request of interested Kuspyde Ingeniería LTDA, who wished to review the subject and know the practices keys in the design of products. With this text, we wish to contribute the experiences gathered throughout the development of this project, and provide the reader with a guide that can serve as an example for the design and creation of hardware products, going the way of the methodology implemented here , from the requirements phase, to having a finished and functional prototype. The methods used here are just some of the many that exist in the world and do not represent a limitation for the person who wishes to use someone else to do so; they were simply chosen because it was agreed that they were the most suitable for this type of implementation. It is also intended to make known the different measurements, indices and physical magnitudes that are likely to be measured in work environments, with the purpose of keeping a check on these values, which may pass certain limits, where they would become harmful to health from the workers. In this text you will find a theoretical framework that will inform us about generalities of electronic instrumentation, and a summary of the methods of evaluation of indexes for measuring the various environmental variables that are measured with the developed device. There will also be contributions on the methodology used for the design and development of this hardware, as well as a review of the reconfigurable hardware designed. Most of the references correspond to the project's own documentation, and which was also part of the tasks assigned in the internship process, there was great support in national and international standards (ISO, NTC, IEC) as well as in own books of electronic instrumentation and acoustic and vibration measurements. Fundamentally, the result of the work that was carried out during the six months of the internship is shown, and the manner in which the objectives that had been proposed in the preliminary project were met and that are reviewed in this document. The main requirement given for this great project is to develop a multi-variable measurement instrument for the interested company; and that also complies with all Colombian technical standards or applicable to Colombia and is framed in a legal landscape within the national territory for everything related to measuring instruments and estimation of the measured variables. The system must be able to take samples from multiple sensors (6), take the data to a portable visualization and results analysis system where a summary should be shown with graphs, indexes of the calculated variables, maximum and minimum ranges , etc.; in a simple and pleasant way so that the end user can access the data and manipulate the device without needing to have knowledge hardware technicians or developed software. The purpose of this device must be to calculate environmental indexes in workplaces, with which a control can be carried out, since exposure to certain physical variables in certain conditions can cause serious damage to the health of workers. The CIDEI, is a non-profit private entity, created with Colciencias seed capital and contributions from the private sector, born with the purpose of promoting the development of Colombian companies of the Productive Chain Machinery and Electrical Equipment and Professional Electronics and of the chains capable of achieving their technological development through applied research and the incorporation of electrical, electronic and computer technologies. And whose mission is to contribute permanently to the technological development of companies, through the realization of plans, programs and research projects for the development of electrical, electronic and computer processes, products and services, giving a significant contribution to economic and social development of the country and contributing to the improvement.The CIDEI, is a non-profit private entity, created with Colciencias seed capital and contributions from the private sector, born with the purpose of promoting the development of Colombian companies of the Productive Chain Machinery and Electrical Equipment and Professional Electronics and of the chains capable of achieving their technological development through applied research and the incorporation of electrical, electronic and computer technologies. And whose mission is to contribute permanently to the technological development of companies, through the realization of plans, programs and research projects for the development of electrical, electronic and computer processes, products and services, giving a significant contribution to economic and social development of the country and contributing to the improvement of the living conditions of the Colombian people, to the development and modernization of the Colombian industry. [1] There are professionals in engineering and interns from engineering faculties, formulating and developing projects constantly, which comply with the vision of the institution and which increasingly bring more knowledge, research, development and solutions for the Colombian company and the public sector. KUSPYDE INGENIERÍA LTDA, is a private sector company that provides solutions to the national industry in various areas, its main activities are: the design and manufacture of electronic equipment of various applications; the automation of industrial processes, the technical and economic evaluation of industrial automation projects; advising on the techniques of electrical, electronic, industrial and systems engineering; the service of maintenance and repair of telephone and telecommunications networks among others. [2]