"La influencia de la música en la autorregulación de la ansiedad : estudiantes que realizan entrenamientos físicos, pertenecientes al proyecto curricular de Administración Deportiva de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Segundo semestre del 2020"
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This research aims to determine whether the use of music has a significant influence on self-regulation of anxiety in amateur athletes who perform physical training and are enrolled at the Francisco José de Caldas District University during the second semester of 2020. Initially, 20 amateur athletes enrolled in the Sports Administration curricular project are selected to which The Sport Anxiety Scale-2 test is applied (Smith et al, 2006) The sample is divided into two equal groups, the first one is set with music with relaxing characteristics, while the second does not. Subsequently, each group answers the questionnaire in two moments, before starting their training and at the end of it, maintaining the musical atmosphere or not depending on the group. Finally, it was concluded that there is no significant difference between the study groups when using relaxing music for self-regulation of anxiety before and after executing workouts, however, anxiety registered positive differences in the mean of 18% and 9 % between both groups.