Seguimiento a la metodología ciclo re ciclo en instituciones educativas de la Provincia Sabana Centro, Jurisdicción CAR
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The inadequate managment of the solid waste and the excessive consumption of products, it has generated a big problem on a global level due to that the planet has exceeded its level of recovery and there will come a point at which it can no longer do anything. Territories as Cundinamarca, has already become major producers of waste, which can be seen in the National Report of Final Disposition of Superintendency of Public Services, where it shows that in the Cundinamarca department its total production is climbing to close to 7439 ton/day. (Governor of Cundinamarca, 2010). La Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca – CAR, as environmental authority competent in 98 municipalities of Cundinamarca and 6 of Boyaca and taking into account the functions set forth in the Resolution 0703 de 2003, where is highlights its responsibility to advise to the territotial entities in the processes of environmental education, in its action plan 2012 – 2015 “Environmental Management, responsibility for all” it was implement the Process of Social intervention (PSI) for the generation of environmental culture in the territory CAR – CICLO RE CICLO.