Planeacion del sistema de gestión de la energía, bajo los criterios de la NTC ISO 50001:2011, en las instalaciones de la Imprenta Nacional de Colombia en la ciudad de Bogota, D.C
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The project frames the Management System of energy’s planning for the Imprenta Nacional de Colombia, industrial and commercial company of State. It presents a major interest for environmental topic and prevention of natural resources, as it recognizes the importance of protect and defense the planet. The Management System of energy’s planning for the Imprenta Nacional de Colombia was made under NTC ISO 50001:2011 criteria and was developed under a methodology based on a descriptive study of company´s energy performance, with which sought to determine and prioritize the opportunities of improvement and a major efficiency of energy inside of entity. In the same way, the results obtained were used for the establishment of energy policy oriented on an energy-efficient performance. In the beginning of the project, an initial energy revision was made in the different processes that take part in the entity. With this it was possible to identify uses and consumption of energy and environmental resources applicable in the Imprenta Nacional de Colombia, this with the purpose of formulate the environmental policy. Once the entity’s energy performance was identified, different strategies were formulated translated into action plans, which have a real scope that fits into the entity’s needs of energy efficiency matters. Finally, these strategies were evaluated through a cost-benefit analysis, which determined the feasibility thereof, with the purpose of being incorporated inside the Management System of energy to complete in that way the planning process.